
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tentang CoinChum

Tentang CoinChum

Coinchum adalah pasar Peer to Peer yang sangat unik, mereka menawarkan berbagai jenis cryptocurrency yang dapat diperdagangkan di platform merek, salah satunya adalah koin Bitcoin, USDT, dan Ethereum, token XRP dan Chum. di sisi lain proyek ini juga memiliki fitur yang tidak kalah keren dibandingkan dengan proyek lainnya. apakah kamu penasaran? tentang fitur yang ditawarkan oleh Coinchum?

Ya, seperti yang telah saya teliti, proyek ini menawarkan fitur unik seperti situs web dengan antarmuka intuitif yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk belajar dari sumber daya pendidikan, serta memperdagangkan cryptocurrency menggunakan alat pasar canggih yang memungkinkan pemantauan dan analisis tren pasar yang efisien. Fitur seperti ini menjadi primadona bagi para trader karena tampilannya yang menarik dan juga dapat dengan mudah dipahami oleh pengguna baru. di satu sisi proyek Coinchum memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk bertahan di pasar cryptoqurrency yang kompetitif, tim juga berkomitmen untuk bekerja lebih keras dan akan menarik lebih banyak investor untuk segera bergabung dengan proyek hebat ini.

sebelum melangkah lebih jauh, saya ingin memberi tahu Anda terlebih dahulu tentang Cryptoqurrency atau Teknologi Blockchain. Jadi, Cryptocurrency adalah bentuk pembayaran yang dapat ditukar secara online dengan barang dan jasa. Banyak perusahaan telah mengeluarkan mata uang mereka sendiri, sering disebut token, dan ini dapat diperdagangkan secara khusus untuk barang atau jasa yang disediakan perusahaan. Pikirkan mereka seperti yang Anda lakukan pada token arcade atau chip kasino. Anda harus menukar mata uang riil dengan mata uang kripto untuk mengakses barang atau jasa.

Cryptocurrencies w ork menggunakan teknologi yang disebut blockchain. Blockchain adalah teknologi terdesentralisasi yang tersebar di banyak komputer yang mengelola dan mencatat transaksi. Bagian dari daya tarik teknologi ini adalah keamanannya.

Lebih dari 10.000 cryptocurrency berbeda diperdagangkan secara publik, menurut, situs web riset pasar. Dan cryptocurrency terus berkembang biak, mengumpulkan uang melalui penawaran koin awal, atau ICO. Nilai total semua cryptocurrency pada 27 Mei 2021, lebih dari $1,7 triliun – turun dari tertinggi April sebesar $2,2 triliun, menurut CoinMarketCap. Nilai total semua bitcoin, mata uang digital paling populer, dipatok sekitar $735 miliar — turun dari tertinggi April sebesar $1,2 triliun

Mengapa CoinChum?

Pasar Coinchum harus diadopsi oleh pedagang dan investor untuk kualitas yang berbeda berikut:

  1. 1. Pilihan tak terbatas untuk pemilihan koin; pengguna dapat berdagang dengan koin dan pada saat yang sama diizinkan untuk memilih koin untuk dibawa masuk
  2. 2. Ada alat perdagangan yang luar biasa; sistem perdagangan biner yang juga membutuhkan biaya transaksi yang rendah.
  3. 3. Sistem dukungan pelanggan terlalu tinggi dan selalu memberikan perhatian yang memadai kepada pengguna.
  4. 4. Perdagangan selalu diproses dengan cepat dan mudah di platform.
  5. 5. Ada asuransi atas aset pengguna di platform.
  6. 6. Ada juga tingkat keamanan standar dan tertinggi.
  7. 7. Platformnya terdesentralisasi; memberikan suara kepada pengguna.
  8. 8. Pendidikan dasar dan lanjutan tentang cara menggunakan alat perdagangan tersedia di platform.

Fitur CoinChum

  1. 1. BIAYA PERDAGANGAN RENDAH: platform akan membebankan biaya yang sangat rendah pada semua perdagangan di platform, mendorong pengguna untuk melakukan lebih banyak perdagangan.
  2. 2. BIAYA PENARIKAN YANG WAJAR: Pengguna platform akan dikenakan biaya minimal untuk semua penarikan yang dilakukan dan pada saat yang sama penarikan diproses dengan cepat.
  3. 3. DAFTAR MATA UANG KRIPTO BARU: Platform ini akan selalu menyambut listing di proyek baru yang luar biasa dengan fitur-fitur hebat yang memberi para pedagang di platform jalan untuk berinvestasi. Semua listing yang dibuat di platform juga akan membutuhkan biaya transaksi yang rendah.
  4. 4. PEMBIAYAAN CRYPTOCURRENCY: Ini akan memungkinkan penguncian koin/aset pedagang dan pengguna platform dan juga memberi mereka ruang untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak koin untuk mengunci aset.
  5. 5. KEAMANAN DOMPET: satu masalah utama dengan sebagian besar platform Exchange adalah keamanan. Banyak dari mereka kehilangan penglihatan di sana karena serangan cyber yang menyebabkan pengguna kehilangan aset di sana. Tetapi untuk mengatasi dan melarang masalah seperti ini, keamanan dompet platform Coinchum dilindungi melalui MPC yang memungkinkan tingkat keamanan maksimum atas segala bentuk serangan dunia maya dan kesalahan dari manusia. Dengan MPC yang diadopsi, Coinchum akan Memastikan aset pengguna aman dan terlindungi dengan baik.

Penawaran bisnis yang menjanjikan
  • 1. Biaya deposit atau penarikan dan berlaku untuk setiap cryptocurrency
  • 2. Tim merancang program afiliasi yang hebat (dampak positif: Pengguna bisa mendapatkan persentase dari referensi mereka.).
  • 3. Tingkat keamanan maksimum, seperti Dompet yang diamankan secara kriptografis yang disediakan oleh teknologi Multi-Party Computation (MPC)
  • 4. Exit plan yang fleksibel untuk investor (setup dan pengoperasian SPAC di Hong Kong) bertujuan untuk mendorong lebih banyak investor besar di luar sana
Keamanan Dompet
tidak perlu khawatir, karena dompet Coinchum memiliki tingkat keamanan yang maksimal sehingga uang Anda akan terlindungi melalui MPC yang diamankan secara kriptografis dan melindungi dompet dari kesalahan manusia atau serangan cyber. Selain itu, tim menjanjikan pengembalian uang/aset jika terjadi hal buruk pada penggunanya saat melakukan transaksi di platform/dompet Coinchum mereka. Keamanan ke alamat dompet diperlukan karena banyak individu dan institusi memasuki ekosistem ini. MPC menyediakan empat lapisan keamanan seperti di bawah ini:

  • 1 — Multi Cloud dengan MPC
  • Multi Cloud menyediakan keamanan untuk kunci pribadi karena tidak pernah ada di satu perangkat. MPC dan CMP (protokol Manajemen Sertifikat) menghapus satu titik kontak dari peretas internal dan eksternal.
  • 2 — Software Guard Extension(SGX)
  • SGX adalah enkripsi oleh CPU dari sebagian RAM (yaitu memori komputer) yang digunakan untuk menyimpan setiap kunci pribadi. RAM dan data dienkripsi dalam SGX yang melindungi mereka dari peretasan atau serangan malware, bahkan jika peretas memiliki kendali penuh atas Sistem Operasi.
  • 3 — Mesin Kebijakan
  • Lapisan ini memungkinkan institusi dan organisasi untuk menetapkan kebijakan persetujuan mereka sendiri untuk transaksi, oleh karena itu disebut Mesin Kebijakan. Mesin Kebijakan juga menghadap ke klien: memungkinkan pengguna untuk menetapkan aturan mereka sendiri dan proses validasi yang diperlukan sebelum persetujuan transaksi.
  • 4 — Lapisan Penyelesaian
  • Karena otentikasi alamat deposit diotomatisasi, lapisan penyelesaian membantu dalam mengurangi risiko dengan rotasi otentikasi. Ini sangat penting karena yang dipertaruhkan di sini adalah keamanan aset institusional
Penjualan Token
JUAL SWASTA : 5.000.000
TOKEN FREEZE : 30.000.000
CAP LEMBUT: 5.000.000 USD
JUAL UMUM : 105.000.000
CAP KERAS: 20.000.000 USD
informasi untuk membeli:

Detail Bonus
Penjualan kerumunan token CHUM dibagi menjadi dua bagian: penjualan pribadi dan penjualan kerumunan. Penjualan pribadi akan dimulai pada 1 Agustus 2021 dan akan berakhir pada 1 September 2021. Setiap CHUM akan dihargai $0,30 USD. Penjualan massal akan dimulai pada 1 Oktober 2021 dan akan berakhir pada 1 Desember 2021. SetiapCHUM akan dihargai $0,36 USD.

Proyek peta jalan

Detailed Information:

profil ; wakkajiperketek

bitcoi ;;u=3111997

Wallet : 0x0431eFAE96740E04b3996c96D17C470f12d55952

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Magic Balancer ~ Rebalance Protocol in ETH & BSC Chain. Governance Token

Magic Balancer

Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token that provides exceptional rewards to active users through smart contract protocols, while seamlessly integrating transaction rewards with liquidity rebalancing features.

The MGB token is designed to be sustainable and maximize its value by being truly deflationary and encouraging users to be active while offering exceptional rewards. Every reward token that MGB allocates never compromises the overall supply, which means that the growth of the MGB token will never be difficult. Each Magic Balancer protocol is built to be 100% distrustful and does not require human intervention to operate. This ensures that all Magic Balancer protocols can run forever and will never be disabled by human intervention. This also means that you, as a token holder, will never have to trust anyone for any reason. The only thing you can trust in the crypto space is the code, it never lies,

The best crypto projects are those that provide 100% unreliable protocols and prove this fact with complete code transparency. This is exactly what Magic Balancer offers, this is our core belief and the only way to ever release protocols.

Magic Balancer ensures that its cost per recharge is constantly increasing in value. This is done by temporarily removing some of the liquidity from the MGB / ETH pair, market buying MGB with ETH, and then burning all the remaining MGB. Essentially, the balance of the Uniswap MGB / ETH pair is being restored and the value of the MGB increased relative to ETH.

The MGB token comes from the community and is a flexible community driven project and the future governance of the community can only be achieved through voting.

Starts on March. 17rd at 19:00 UTC. No whitelist needed. Max two weeks.

Held directly on, to participate simply Choose which chain you want to buy ,connect your Metamask, enter the amount of ETH-BNB you wish to send and click buy. MGB tokens will be instantly returned via our presale contract. Metamask is preferred, do not use exchange accounts.

No min, 3 ETH-30 BNB Max buy.

10% referral reward distributed instantly via presale contract. Click REFERRAL button on Presale section and copy your referral link(required to connect with wallet)

Every rebalance $MGB token price can raise up to %2. This can be happens every hour up to 24 times a day!

After 1 week Presale end 1 $MGB worth of $4000 for this mechanism.

Example of one REBALANCE (if 300 BNB @ $250.00 raised in presale)

$52,500 ~ 70% Liquidity On Listing

2% LP Removed ~ $1,050

Split Into ~ $525 BNB & $525 MGB

1% Of MGB Sent To Caller ~ $10,5

BNB Swaps For MGB~ $525

90% Of MGB Burned ~ $945

Value Added (from example above)

$525 BNB Market Buy

$945 MGB Burned

$1,575Total Capital Rebalanced

Tokenomics for BSC

300,000 MGB — Total Supply

150,000 MGB — Presale

85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity

35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.

30,000 MGB — Team Tokens

Presale — 1 BNB = 99 MGB ($2,5 *)

Presale Max Buy = 30 BNB ($7,500*) ~ No min amount

Initial Listing — 1 BNB = 79 MGB ($3,16*) ~ %25 higher than presale

Presale Hardcap = 300 BNB ($75,000*)

70% BNB ( 210BNB — $52,500*) provided towards liquidity.

20% BNB (60 BNB — $15,000*) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.

10% BNB (30 BNB — $7,500*) presale referral rewards.

Tokenomics for ETH Chain

300,000 MGB — Total Supply

150,000 MGB — Presale

85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity

35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.

30,000 MGB — Team Tokens

Presale — 1 ETH = 999 MGB ($1,5 *)

Presale Max Buy = 3 ETH ($4,500*)

Initial Listing — 1 ETH = 799 MGB ($1.88*) ~ %25 higher than presale

Presale Hardcap = 30 ETH ($45,000*)

70% ETH (21 ETH — $31,500*) provided towards liquidity.

20% ETH (6 ETH — $9,000*) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.

10% ETH (3 ETH — $4,500*) presale referral rewards.

*based on ETH price of $1500.00


The trading on Uniswap-Pancakeswap will progress instantly at the end of our presale.

All ETH-BNB allocated for initial liquidity is instantly deposited into the MGB token contract. The MGB token contract has a “createUniswapPair” function which can be seen on contract write function #6 at

This function ensures that all ETH-BNB provided for liquidity can only be used to create the UNIswap trading pair.

There is no withdrawal codes installed on the MGB token contract so ETH-BNB cannot be withdrawn and LP tokens from creating the trading pair are locked for 90days after presale!


Nama Pengguna 

Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek

Tautan profil;u=3111997

Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek

Eth ;0xcd9Ca45e0cfB7DD75b61938302431a28E8f038fb

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ferox Advisors, platform Hybrid terdiri dari Hedge Fund dan DeFi



Berbicara tentang dana yang didapat, mungkin Anda akan tertarik dengan satu platform ini. Ini adalah trаdіng аdvіѕоr соmраnу membuat turunan ассоuntѕ асоuntѕ dan eksternal сlіеnts, yang рrоvіdе investor dengan mаxіmum pengembalian dan lоw rіѕk. Ini adalah Fеrоx Advіѕоrѕ - penasihat pelatihan yang mungkin mengelola dеrіvаtіvеѕ асоunts untuk trаdіng рrорrіеtаrу trаdіng dan аn сlіеnt eksternal dengan fokus pada pengembalian mutlak. .

Ferox Advisors, platform Hybrid terdiri dari Hedge Fund dan DeFi

Seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, dana besar adalah merupakan bukti pengembalian mutlak dengan rendahnya risiko. Dana investasi akan dikumpulkan oleh sebagian besar dari penawaran yang terkait dengan perdagangan mereka.

Fеrоx Advisors adalah cara perdagangan dan kemungkinan yang mengelola tanggapan yang tajam dan keputusan eksternal untuk mendapatkan pengembalian dengan risiko yang sangat besar. Fеrоx Advіѕоrѕ dіnvеntеd аnd uрgrаdеd аkеу іnvеѕtmеnt dеrіvаtіvе ѕtrаtіvе ѕtrаtеgу thаt уаng bisa mеmberikan uѕеrѕ dеngаn hasil investasi yang tinggi. Dengan keindahan investasi Fеrоx Advіѕоrѕ, uѕеrѕе bisa mendapatkan pengembalian аnnnаl setidaknya 30%.

Fеrоx Advіѕоrѕ didirikan oleh tim yang berpengalaman dan memiliki rekam jejak yang jelas dalam аutоmаtеd dan сrурtосurrеnсу trаdіngу. Ferox Advisors memulai perdagangan baru di RAK di Dubai dengan melakukan transaksi di Iѕtаnbul. Kami tidak perlu khawatir tentang crеdіbіlіtу dari Ferox Advіѕоrѕ.

Token FRX

Fеrоx Advіѕоrѕ bukan hanya hеdgе fund fіrm tetapi juga рrоvіdеѕ token hedge funds di bawah nama FRX tоkеn. Token FRX adalah TRC20 yang akan dibuat di Tron Block. Wіth thіѕ соmbіnаtіоn, Fеrоx Advіѕоrѕ dеlіvеrѕ а dесеntrаlіzеd tоkеn hеdgе dana wіth аlрhа hеdgе dana generasi сараbіlіtіеѕ аnd thе keuntungan оf thе DеFі есоѕуѕtеm. FRX tokеnѕ dapat diterima oleh uѕеrѕ bу рurсhаѕіng mereka melalui Sеd Rоund рrоgrаm. Dalam skema ini, kita bisa mendapatkan banyak bonus dari hingga 300%. Semakin besar Anda, semakin besar pula nilai yang Anda dapatkan.


Ferox Advisors adalah perusahaan luar biasa yang memberikan nasihat perdagangan, mengelola akun perdagangan untuk klien dengan tujuan menghasilkan Untung besar dan menghindari kerugian dan risiko besar. Dengan Ferox Advisors, dana investor dapat dikelola menggunakan strategi perdagangan yang masuk akal yang akan memberi investor pengembalian tinggi (pengembalian tahunan minimal 30% selalu diberikan kepada investor di platform. Platform Penasihat Ferox didirikan oleh sekumpulan tim yang berdedikasi dan berpengalaman dengan rekor kesuksesan yang dapat diraih dalam perdagangan aset derivatif dan kripto.

1. Memungkinkan pengguna dan investor untuk mendapatkan pengembalian yang wajar melalui opsi Investasi yang tersedia.
2. Untuk memungkinkan pengembalian minimal 30% setiap tahun kepada Investor.
3. Untuk mengaktifkan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi atas pengguna, data investor, dan aset.
4. Untuk mengizinkan investor memiliki saham hedge fund tanpa membayar biaya apapun.

FEROX ADVISOR harus dipertimbangkan oleh investor karena bertujuan untuk menyediakan komunitas investor di mana Layanan investasi transparan, masuk akal, efektif, efisien, Tingkat keamanan tinggi dan menyediakan trader berpengalaman dengan strategi risiko yang andal dan minimal yang akan membantu memaksimalkan Keuntungan.

Token asli dari penasihat FEROX adalah FRX. Itu dibangun di atas blockchain TRON yang menjadikannya token TRC-20. Pengguna yang mempertaruhkan FRX akan diberi hadiah untuk melakukannya. Selain itu, pemegang token FRX akan memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan bagian dalam hedge fund.
Pengguna dapat memperoleh token dengan membeli melalui program Putaran Benih (yang memungkinkan pengguna mendapatkan tingkat bonus hingga 300%). Program putaran benih sedang berlangsung, Anda tidak boleh melewatkan kesempatan ini.

FEROX memiliki peta jalan yang realistis, dapat dicapai, dapat dipahami, dan diikuti dengan ketat. Ini adalah kualitas proyek yang bagus di mana FEROX adalah salah satunya. Tim yang berdedikasi akan selalu bekerja keras untuk mencapai peta jalan dan tujuan yang tercantum.

Rincian Presale Token FRX
Thе рrоjесt іѕ dalam The tоkеn ѕаlе tahap tо buу FRX tоkеnѕ, 
уоu јuѕt nееd tо ​​ѕеnd TRX tо thе рrоjесt'ѕ соntrасt аddrеѕѕ wіth thе fоllоwіng tоkеn penjualan ѕtruсturе Investasi uр tо 10.000 TRX wіll ԛuаlіfу pengguna tо buу FRX аt thе fоllоwіng Harga: 1 TRX = 3 FRX, (misalnya, Anda membeli 9000 TRX akan mendapatkan 27.000 FRX). Jika investasi pengguna berkisar antara 10.000 TRX hingga 50.000 mereka akan membeli FRX dengan harga berikut: 1 TRX = 3,3 FRX (misalnya, jika Anda membeli 30.000 TRX, Anda akan mendapatkan 99.000 FRX). Dengan investasi yang lebih besar dari 50.000 TRX hingga 300.000 TRX Anda akan tertarik ketika membeli FRX di tempat yang tepat: 1 TRX = 3,6 FRX (untuk beberapa paket, Anda akan membeli 300.000 TRX dengan 300.000 TRX akan memberikan semua 300.000 TRX) 1 TRX = 4 FRX (misalnya, kami akan membeli 500.000 TRX akan menghasilkan 2.000.000 FRX). Satu hal yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa Anda harus menggunakan paket TRC-20 yang kompatibel untuk mengirim TRX dan mengembalikan FRX sedikit dan cepat. Untuk investasi di ETH atau BTC, katakanlah “di email@fеrоxаdvіѕоrѕ.соm“ mereka sebelum mengirimkan transaksi. Setelah mencapai $ 750.000, Soft Cap Seed Rоund akan selesai dan alamat pembeli selesai.

Saat ini, banyak investor yang menyerahkan dananya kepada hedge fund untuk dibuat oleh mereka. Perusahaan dana besar memiliki konsep yang tinggi dari membuat investor kembali dan menambang risiko ketika berinvestasi. Dalam wау thіѕ, thе twо раrtіеѕ wіll manfaat frоm еасh lainnya, thе hedge fund fіrm wіll Get а реrсеntаgе оf thе keuntungan аnd іnvеѕtоrѕ саn Get rеturnѕ wіthоut wоrrуіng аbоut investasi rіѕkѕ.Fеrоx Advisors іѕ а trаdіng аdvіѕоr соmраnу bahwa mаnаgеѕ dеrіvаtіvе ассоuntѕ аnd еxtеrnаl сlіеntѕ tо mendapatkan keuntungan. Hal-hal yang ditawarkan oleh Fеrоx Advіѕоrs semua kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan pengembalian besar dengan risiko yang sangat kecil.

Proyek ini telah mempekerjakan anggota tim berpengalaman yang terdiri dari orang-orang yang berdedikasi dan sangat cerdas dengan pengalaman luas dalam teknologi blockchain. Ini telah membantu proyek mencapai kehebatan dan kesuksesan yang tak terbayangkan dalam waktu singkat.

Rincian Token FRX.
Kontrak: TKTENn9v56yVKHu4obmdQGpe8wFVimczxq
Simbol: FRX
Desimal: 8
Pasokan Beredar: 700.000.000.00000000FRX

FEROX ADVISOR adalah platform investasi yang bertujuan membantu investor mengelola dana, memaksimalkan Keuntungan dan juga meminimalkan risiko saat berdagang. Pengguna tidak perlu membuat diri mereka stres atau khawatir ketika mencoba menginvestasikan solusi investasi oleh Ferox Advisors memungkinkan investor untuk memaksimalkan Profit ditambah dengan risiko yang sangat rendah.

Peta jalan
Mar 2017
Ferox Advisor memasuki ruang kripto, mulai berdagang turunan kripto dan penambangan GPU.
Des 2017
Ferox menerima modal eksternal pertama untuk mengelola akun kripto.
Des 2018
Ferox memasuki Bitmex untuk memasarkan secara algoritmik membuat crypto futures dan swap sementara secara dinamis melindungi eksposur mata uang crypto.
Jun 2019
Dalam waktu kurang dari 6 bulan perdagangan, akun Bitmex mencapai 100% Pengembalian Ekuitas dalam istilah BTC (lebih dalam istilah USD.
Jan 2020
Ferox bercabang menjadi arbitrase melalui kontrak pintar dan Dex.
Juli 2020
Ferox memutuskan untuk meluncurkan FRX di Tron Network untuk menawarkan dana lindung nilai terdesentralisasi kepada dunia.
Nop 2020
Prototipe TRC20 selesai dan perdagangan uji pertama dilakukan melalui AMM seperti JustSwap.
Jan 2021
Kontrak pintar FRX diselesaikan, halaman arahan dan prapenjualan pribadi diluncurkan di situs web, dividen bulanan mulai bertambah untuk pemegang token FRX. Acara Pembuatan Token.
Mar 2021
FRX terdaftar di beberapa AMM dan DEX untuk menciptakan penemuan harga yang wajar di pasar bebas, sambil menawarkan kelebihan saham FRX selalu dengan harga premium ke harga pasar rata-rata melalui DAPP untuk memastikan ketahanan harga FRX.
Mei 2021
DeFi & Staking Dapp diluncurkan. Bagi hasil kuartalan pertama untuk semua pemegang FRX didistribusikan berdasarkan kinerja modal milik Ferox Advisors.
Agustus 2021
Taruhan pertama dan permainan opsi biner diluncurkan di situs web Ferox Advisors, dengan spread yang lebih baik untuk FRX dan bagi hasil yang diperoleh pemegang saham token FRX.

Untuk mengetahui lebih banyak fakta tentang FRX, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini

Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek
Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek
Tron ; TVS4K42buPz2nyThySFJNV1M9Rtu1aBVPe

Saturday, February 6, 2021




This paper explores the impact of blockchain on the music industry with a focus on the implications technology can have for artists. By investigating the industry’s supply chain, we argue that the on-demand streaming platforms (e.g. Spotify and Apple Music) have allowed consumers to easily access music products but have introduced a level of intermediation between artists and customers leading to inefficiency of the royalty payments systems. The goal of this research is to identify blockchain applications that would enable the disintermediation of the industry, allowing artists to create and capture more value from their own products. This paper discusses some applications and concepts related to blockchain, including smart contracts, record keeping, revenue management, and metadata analysis

At this point, we all know that blockchain will eventually work its way into and revolutionize every facet of industry. If you haven’t realized this by now, you will over the course of the next few years as you witness a complete paradigm shift. For those of you that do know, NOW is our time to start disrupting industry. I’ve decided to start with what I know best: the music business.

Clocking in at ~$50b a year, the global music industry continues to rake in billions, with a disturbingly small percentage going to the artists themselves. Between the well-known exploitation of artists by record companies (just ask Kanye) and the COVID pandemic decimating the live music industry (which accounts for ~75% of artist revenue), I think it’s safe to say that the system is breaking down — it’s high time we came up with something better

What price do artists pay to be marketed and promoted worldwide? They typically surrender the rights to their music in exchange for record labels to market them. By making investment into an artist open and accessible to all, investors from across the globe will suddenly find an interest in promoting the artists they invest in — opening up massive opportunity for independent marketers and influencers. This puts incredible promotion potential into the hands of the artist, while keeping the rights to their music out of the hands of the record labels.


1. MP3:

The utility token for the Music Industry DAPP; this will include bonding curve and NFT based financial products to empower recording artists and help to decentralize the music industry. This is the first token to be released and is the first product in development.

2. BME:

The governance token of the Blockchain Music Entertainment Decentralized Flexible Organization (DFO); The home base of the decentralized and transparent development of the DAPPs. BME will be distributed to MP3 holders 1-week from the end of the presale/Uniswap listing based on a snapshot. Once distributed, it may become tradeable once liquidity is added. BME will include rounds of LP farming, and will eventually become necessary to farm MP4 in the future.

3. MP4:

The utility token for the Movie Industry DAPP; this will include financial products to empower independent film & content creators, as well as influencers. The blueprints are still being drafted for MP4 and will likely be introduced to the ecosystem later this year in Q2 or Q3.

There is a better way!

What price do artists pay to be marketed and promoted worldwide? They typically surrender the rights to their music & 50-70% of their earnings in exchange for record labels to market them. By making investment into an artist open and accessible to all, investors from across the globe will suddenly find an interest in promoting the artists they invest in — opening up massive opportunity for independent marketers and influencers. This puts incredible promotion potential into the hands of the artist, while keeping the rights to their music out of the hands of the record labels.

Introducing: The Initial Artist Offering (IAO)

1. Artist Creates Profile & Deploys a Personalized Oracle

With a customized profile in the mp3 catalogue, artists can deploy their own personalized bonding curve curation markets and "tokenize" themselves. DEX widget may be embedded on their website.

2. Initial Artist Offering (IAO)

Artist can be listed and go "public" on the mp3 DEX library, available for fans & speculators to invest in.

3. International Exposure

Independent marketers & influencers profit from the promotion of the artists they invest in; Artists profit by unbonding their initial equity 'shares' at a higher price point on the bonding curve. Everybody wins.

Artist Profiles

Artists can set up customized profiles to display their performances, recordings, photos, & biography. This will be essential for those speculating on new artists.

MP3 Token Sale Security

We are taking EVERY possibly measure to insure the safety of this token sale and launch. I have been in close contact with the owner of $WORLD and after confirming proper function and seeing their safe and successful token sale on the Safu Investments platform, we have decided to utilize it ourselves. It is an incredible new platform that provides automatic Uniswap listing and liquidity lock immediately following the sale. We chose to go with a 1 Year liquidity lock of 50% of the raised funds. For even more security assurance, we have partnered with Solidity Finance to audit our contracts; ensuring that we have a solid and successful launch.

MP3 Token Sale Details

Allocation For Raised Funds


2020 Q4


Inception of concept , drafting - COMPLETE


Team Building, Backend development begin - COMPLETE

2021 Q1-January

Medium Article Introduction - COMPLETE

Website Published - COMPLETE

Github Release

2021 Q1-February

MP3 Presale

Uniswap Listing

Snapshot for BME Airdrop

BME DFO Created

BME Airdrop

BME LP Farming Begins

MP3 Front End Development

2021 Q1-March

Artist Partnerships

Project/Corporate Partnerships

MP3 DAPP Alpha Testnet

2021 Q2-April

Artist Profile Section Opens

MP3 DAPP Beta Testnet

MP3 Gitbook Published

2021 Q2-May

MP3 DAPP Mainnet

MP4 Development Begins


Blockchain technology represents a decentralized ledger where you can record transactions and monitor changes related to transactions over time. This will be the perfect foundation for music rights management.

Blockchain can provide new growth for traditional music players. Blockchain will not interfere with the entire industry. You can see what has happened in the financial and Blockchain industry, the biggest players are investing in technology right now. That's what will probably happen in the music industry too. There are ideological goals such as openness and transparency.

For more infor visite us on:




Medium: http://hhttps//

Nama Pengguna 

Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek

Tautan profil;u=3111997

Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek

Eth ;0xcd9Ca45e0cfB7DD75b61938302431a28E8f038fb

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reviews Meet Block casino Innovative and Revolutionary E-Gaming Platform

 What is Blockcasino?

We are the first platform that offers a comprehensive solution, with the possibility of having access to a multi-million dollar business, integrating hundreds of service providers and thousands of games, with traditional payment systems and cryptocurrencies, within international regulations and all included under the same solution.

Taking advantage of the great benefits of the blockchain network, we want to offer you a friendly, intelligent, secure, and transparent platform. We completely revolutionize the business model, obtaining a high profitability from our investors with a minimum investment. We are the fastest way to build an online casino from scratch. Together with the Blockcasino platform we take full care of all licensing and payment processing matters.

Your casino will legally operate under the Blockcasino curacao license and a wide variety of payment options will be used that are readily available. This will allow you to have a high profitability, simplifying the operation, eliminating legal hassles, and helping you to focus on marketing and promotion. Our platform acts as an integration layer between you and the providers of online casino games and sportsbook. We distribute the tasks in several modules that provide a robust and fully managed online casino platform solution that adapts to all the needs of providers, players, and you the operator.

The results of extensive research have showed great prospects for the online gaming industry. The rapidly growing online casino market currently generates more than $70 trillion a year. It was an enormous challenge to compete with the giants of the industry; However, we already had our vision to create a unique solution based on modern blockchain technologies, innovative game design, as well as our totally new approach to service delivery, with traditional payment systems and cryptocurrencies. With advanced tools and technologies, and a professional approach to state-of-the-art software development Blockcasino has launched a project based on the needs of customers and service providers.

Our solutions for online casino businesses stand out for their ease of setup and flexibility. Our mission is to provide the best tools to ensure the success of your online casino business. We strive to adapt them to the most demanding requirements in order to help you realize your most ambitious business ideas.

The Modules that are available are the following:

Casino Open module:

Integration of casino games Games are an essential part of any online casino. There are more than 100 online casino game providers to offer our customers more than 4000 quality games, with creative and innovative designs. Our casino gaming partners are vital to our platform. That is why we have filtered through a great service offering to bring you the best and thus give online operators access to a selection of premium casino games.

Sport Bet module:

sports betting solution The sports betting platform has an architecture designed for horizontal scalability and high availability. We have sports betting providers proven by years of management in the industry, so our software solution will be modern and modular, with hundreds of features that lead to business growth and bettor satisfaction.

Payments and Cryptos module:

Integration of payment points and cryptocurrencies. There is no need to go through the tedious process and registration of each payment system. We offer payment solutions for global markets, including Visa, Mastercard, skrill, neteller, paysafecard, ecopays, bank transfers, e-wallets, coupons, and mobile payments. There are more than 30 payment methods available. For blockchain enthusiasts we have a convenient and widely used cryptocurrency payment solution currently in numerous online casinos around the world. By adding cryptocurrencies to your system, you will update your platform to correspond with the latest industry trends; as a result, it will attract more players.

Bonus Client module:

Bonus system for players It is a totally independent system that provides the functions of Bonuses, Loyalty, Tournaments and Achievements through our platform, players will enjoy exchanging loyalty points per product, game credits, free spins and exclusive bonuses. Preconfigured to support all languages and all currencies. Getting the bonus through any provider and product makes Bonus Client the ultimate tool for cross-matching between online casino and sportsbook, any reward can be awarded, be it through casino or sports, or even through both!

Profits Labs module:

Administrator Reporting System Traders using Profit Labs will enjoy a description of the activities, transactions, balance and all the necessary tools to build a loyal customer base.

Affiliate Partners modules:

Affiliate and referral system Malta's gambling and gambling license is around 100,000 euros per year and takes about a year to manage. The Curaçao license with merchant accounts has a very high cost and additional annual maintenance fees.

Our Blockcasino platform is based on modern technologies, which lays a solid foundation for the future and enables us to implement all software updates in an efficient way.
Wallet integration API
JSON feeds for games, lobby management, tags
Data transmission
Analytics API: for open games, billing and more
Game round details API
Game recommendation engine API
Free spins API
Advantages of the Platform

1.Quick setup:

Starting an online casino from scratch is exceedingly difficult, it requires a lot of time and large sums of money. When a project is complicated, it can even take months. At Blockcasino we understand the importance of time when it comes to software development and we are in charge of providing you with a platform in the shortest time possible.

2.Web-based solution

Blockcasino is an online solution and is compatible with all browsers and computers. All you need to be able to create your casino and the players to make a profit is to have an Internet connection. This makes it easier for gamers to enjoy games and entertainment.

3.Free-of-charge updates.

We offer a variety of games and the best experience to players from all over the world. All updates are included and available free of charge after product launch.


We guarantee the most transparent approach. No hidden costs or additional charges. At Blockcasino you get a perfect combination of quality and price.

5.Gaming license

Obtaining a gaming license is the core and primary requirement of a successful and reliable online casino business. However, it requires going through the difficult and timeconsuming licensing procedure. At Blockcasino we will be happy to help you operate under our international license.

6.Superior technology and design

Two main aspects that contribute to the success of any software solution are superior technology and unique design. We address both by implementing next-generation technologies. When it comes to solution design, our teams of designers will create a completely new design to deliver the most entertaining gaming experience for gamers around the world.

7.High security

For an online casino, security is one of the key aspects that guarantees the success of the business. We are deeply involved in the development of products with a particular focus on security to create the most effective protection system. We are able to offer fraud prevention options and ensure that customer information is kept secure and is never shared with third parties.

Metrics Private Sale
Ticker: BLC
Token type: ERC20
Seed Sale Price in USDT = 0.03 USDT/BLC
Private Sale in USDT = 0.04 USDT/BLC
Uniswap Listing price in USDT = 0.05 USDT/BLC
Token Unlock:
Seed Sale unlock
Private Sale Unlock
Team tokens after platform launch 25% unlock per quarter
Marketing Unlock
Advisors Tokens Blocked for 1 year from listing on uniswap
Base example of holder by Level of Affiliate Partner according to Seed Sale price.
Gold: 30%
Platinum: 40%


Q1 2020
Blockcasino planning
Blockcasino Business Model Study
Q2 2020
Presentation of the business model to online casino game providers
Presentation of the business model to payment providers
Q3 2020
Creation of BlockCasino
Q4 2020
Initial Seed Sale
Initial Private Sale
Q1 2021
Uniswap listing
Start of tecnical and legal development of BlockCasino in Curazao
Marketing system preparation partners
Q2 2021
Launch Casino & Sportbet Beta 1.0
Lauch Platforom Partners Beta 1.0
Q3 2021
BlockCasino Alpha Launch
Personalized Marketing system partners Automated


Nama Pengguna 
Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek
Tautan profil;u=3111997
Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek
Eth ;0xcd9Ca45e0cfB7DD75b61938302431a28E8f038fb
Join the campaign: Blog / Article

The Aurix exchange is a world-class exchange where crypto enthusiasts can buy high-quality cryptocurrencies and digital chips


About the Aurix Exchange

The Aurix exchange is a world-class exchange where crypto enthusiasts can buy high-quality cryptocurrencies and digital chips. Aurix was founded by Majed Mohsen (CEO). The platform is designed to ensure secure, safe, and autonomous transactions.

With our advanced technology, you can perform an online business transaction and yet keep your identity private. Your funds are safe and protected from the reach of hackers and crypto thieves.

Aurix allws users to purchase and sell as many digital currencies as they want in a matter of seconds. The exchange maintains the highest level of security to ensure that your funds are safe. And is convenient for users, enabling them to trade using both an app and desktop – everything is uninterrupted. Traders who pay in AUR enjoy an additional discount on the platform.

With the Aurix app, everything is seamless, as it takes care of the products and solutions we provide in a single place – this includes the trading, transfers, payments, and rewards management.

Why Aurix is different from the pack

Aurix comes with state-of-the-art features designed to give you security, ease, and comfort. Some of the amazing features of the platform include:

Secure transactions: 

Aurix has an unbeatable speed of execution that makes all transactions quick and efficient. Besides, the data on the platform comply with PCI DSS standards, and the platform is safe from DDoS attacks.

Quick and easy: 

Transactions are fast, and at the same time, the site is user-friendly. The transaction fee is highly competitive, compared to other related platforms.


Aurix is highly trusted across the world because of our continued pursuit of innovation, and inventive features capable of transforming the management of goods and services globally.

Aurix Card

Our debit card is supported by MasterCard/Visa payment network that is tied to the user’s wallet. This makes it possible to offer cashback to our users for their daily transactions and all purchases.

This is unlike our competitors who charge their customers for transfers and purchases. We offer up to 9% cashback to customers’ e-wallet, enabled by the hitch-free DeFi system. Payments with our card can easily be managed through the app.

Aurix payment shop plugins

With our plugins, businesses and e-commerce solutions can adopt cryptocurrencies in operation. This exclusive is compatible with different systems. Installing the plugin at the customer’s end makes it possible for users to pay in cryptocurrency or receive the same anywhere. The customers can complete their payment in a twinkle of an eye with a few taps on their mobile phone.

Aurix Token Staking

Users are allowed to stake their Aurix token to back the functioning of our blockchain network. The benefits accruable to users are measured by the quantity of AUR locked in for validating blockchain operations. This could range from discounts in trading fees to cashback to the extension of loan.

Aurix benefits:

Highest Cashback on the Market

Up to 9% of all DeFi Card Spending.

Up to 90% of all Crypto Exchange/Trading.

Personal Crypto Card

$0.00 annual fees.

Ultra-low fees for all transactions and services, without any hidden terms and conditions.

In 2021, there will be a 75% discount for transactions in AUR


IEO Platform: ExMarkets LaunchPad

IEO Opening Date: Jan 21st, 2021 12:00 pm (UTC)

IEO Closing Date: Mar 4th, 2021 1:59 am (UTC)

Country of Origin: Estoni


Symbol: AUR

Blockchain Type: ERC-20

Role of Token: Utility


Public Sale Hard Cap: 3 000 000 USD

Total Token Supply: 20 000 000 AUR

Tokens for Public Sale: 3 000 000 AUR (15.0000% of total token supply)

Public Sale Token Price: 1 AUR = 1 USD

Token Sale Format: Standard


Company Name: Aurix Ltd

Country of Incorporation: Estonia

Company Address: Tallinn, Harjumaa 12618, EE

KYC: Required

Restricted Areas: NK, Iran



Aurix is founded by Majed Mohsen

The Aurix token concept was introduced


Work on the Aurix Exchange started

Work on Aurix Chain started


Card concept appeared


Plugin concept developed

Started work on the App


The launch of Aurix Exchange

Q1 2021

The launch of the Aurix App

OTC Trading Launch

The first Mastercard shipping

Q2 2021

DeFi Wallet Launch

Leverage Trade Announcement

Q3 2021

We launch our Aurix

Payment Shop Plugins

Pad platform Launch

Q4 2021

Start of the shop

plugin development

The launch of the beta

version of Aurix Chain


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Nama Pengguna 

Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek

Tautan profil;u=3111997

Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek

Eth ;0xcd9Ca45e0cfB7DD75b61938302431a28E8f038fb

Join the campaign: Blog / Article




CLEVER is a DEFI (Decentralized Finance) Protocol which distributes AUTOMATIC INTEREST PAYMENTS to all CLVA Token Holders on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule over 888 fortnightly cycles taking exactly 34.15 years to complete. The CLEVER Token (CLVA) is deployed with verifiable fundamentals to outpace Bitcoin within a validated preset structure reaching a Maximum Supply of One Trillion CLVA over the full 34.15 year cycle period.

PRESS RELEASE. Decentralized finance protocol CLEVER (CLVA) launches its latest program called “Will you take the 888 cycle challenge’’. The program offers a guaranteed interest model that enables users to earn compound interest paid fortnightly to all CLVA token holders.

This is achieved by placing all CLVA token holders on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule over 888 fortnightly cycles that will take exactly 34.15 years to complete. Every 14 days newly minted CLVA is awarded to token holders. CLVA token holders will be able to receive up to 11% compound interest paid fortnightly within the cycles.

CLVA also offers impressive interest yield within the first year of minting. CLVA holders that hold their tokens for a year will be able to reap up to 307% interest on their portfolio at the end of the first year. This is more than what other DeFi yielding protocols offer to yield farmers and places CLEVER at the top of the list.

A unique aspect of the 888 cycle challenge is that CLVA tokens held are not entered into any term contract or staking period. Thus users have the freedom to move or send their CLVA tokens within cycles offering true decentralization within its ecosystem.

Also, there are no penalties for buying or selling CLVA within that period and the more CLVA held by investors the higher the interest earned.

All that is required to partake in the challenge is to register for the minting phase which begins on February 1st 2021. There are two processes of minting.

Using Metamask or MyEther Wallet

Send your chosen amount of ETH to the CLEVER Smart Contract directly by using Metamask or MyEtherWallet to automatically receive the corresponding CLVA back to your wallet instantly.

2. Using The CLEVER Portal

Just connect to your wallet using Metamask via the CLEVER Portal and select the amount of CLVA you wish to mint.

Project Advantages

Automatic Payments : Everything Happens On-Chain with No Requirement for User Intervention Security and transparency are features that are present in the entire ecosystem of Anonyme Platform so that is a great thing and you can have peace of mind when doing operations in the platform.

Every Wallet Earns : Up to 11% Paid Fortnightly Guaranteed with Compound Interest to CLVA Token Holders

888 Fortnightly Cycles : Every 14 Days Like Regular Clockwork Distribution of Newly Minted CLVA is Awarded

Safe & Secure : CLEVER is a DEFI protocol with an Automatic Cycle Schedule hard coded into the Smart Contract itself Security and transparency are features that are present in the entire ecosystem of Anonyme Platform so that is a great thing and you can have peace of mind when doing operations in the platform.

Verified & Audited : Smart Contract Fully Verified And CLEVER Protocol Audited by BlockHunters

ZERO Initial Supply : Every CLVA requires minting by a user and as such the CLEVER DEFI Team owns no supply since most of the early was provided by early provider investors, and the team and the OpCo operating company, it was decided altruistically to put the supply back into the AMM ecosystem so that everyone can earn.

Features of CLEVER (CLVA)

 Automatic Payments

You will receive your payments every fortnight without having to do anything. The process is fully automated.

Receiver Interest Every Fortnight

You will receive 11% compound interest just for storing your wealth. What’s amazing is that you won’t have to wait for years to receive that interest. You will get it every fortnight.

888 Fortnight Circles

Every 14 Days Like Regular Clockwork Distribution of Newly Minted CLVA is Awarded.

Verified and Audited

Smart Contract fully verified and CLEVER Protocol audited by BlockHunters. So, feel free to use CLEVER.

Safe and Secure

CLEVER is a DEFI protocol with an Automatic Cycle Schedule hardcoded into the Smart Contract itself.

ZERO Initial Supply

Every CLVA requires minting by a user and as such the CLEVER DEFI Team owns no supply

CLVA Token

Token Name : CLEVER

Ticker : CLVA

Initial Supply : 0

Maximum Supply : 1 Trillion

Initial Mint Phase

Initial Mint Phase Runs Between February 1st - March 2nd, 2021

DAY 2-3

Mint Rate: 1 CLVA = 0.0021 ETH

DAY 4-7

Mint Rate: 1 CLVA = 0.0022 ETH


Mint Rate: 1 CLVA = 0.0020 ETH

DAY 8-10

Mint Rate: 1 CLVA = 0.0023 ETH

DAY 11-30

Mint Rate: 1 CLVA = 0.0024 ETH

The good news is that the CLVA token launch and minting phase is still more than a month away, launching on February 1, 2021. To learn more about the CLVA minting phase guaranteed interest model and the 888 cycle challenge, visit


Website :

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Nama Pengguna 

Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek

Tautan profil;u=3111997

Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek

Eth ;0xcd9Ca45e0cfB7DD75b61938302431a28E8f038fb

Join the campaign: Blog / Article

Swan Finance - Bridge Between CeFi and DeFi Platforms


DeFi or what is commonly referred to as financial decentralization is a protocol that is the result of the development of the blockchain, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has proven to be an important part of cryptographic money, especially it started late. With ventures like UniSwap, Compound, and MakerDao, decentralized money has positioned itself beyond the surface-level ICO disaster of 2017, centering on token deals and crowdfunding as opposed to certifiable and selfless development.

Traditional financial instruments into a decentralized ecosystem, which can provide a variety of services to users such as lending, staking, exchanging, or pooling liquidity - and Swan Finance is a protocol that will provide users with a variety of DeFi features such as swap and liquidity trading. pool. This allows users to enjoy DeFi solutions easily and safely.

Explanation About Swan Finance.
SwanFinance Estonian Based Financial Platform That Enables People To Invest And Get Certain Returns. It also allows peer to peer lending and crypto lending. It will be a fully functional crypto finance. As we know by now, their day is a lot of trust issues we have and many projects we have but the Swan Finance defrent. And has the potential to do even better in the crypto market.

Swan Finance is a Blockchain Technology-based Ecosystem that turns into a scaffold between a unified conventional monetary framework and a decentralized framework, through their Team's planned Ecosystem, It will provide another Blockchain innovation based Ecosystem where the Ecosystem joins two frameworks into one place. Their biological system offers a platform with an easy-to-use interface for things like earning interest on tagged resources, mutual loans, and other things. Its clients store their Assets on the Swan Platform to earn interest with an attractive APY besides clients can utilize their crypto resources as insurance and lend to others to earn extra interest when using the Platform in the Ecosystem.

Swan Finance is a fund from one currency to another, which occurs within a certain period of time as long as a loan contract for a different currency is still valid. This bet is valid for all transactions that occur on world currency markets. Swan Finance acts as a bridge between the centralized and decentralized world of finance. It provides the best of both worlds. SwanFinance offers an easy-to-use interface for earning interest, while SwanCredit provides a decentralized platform for peer to peer lending. While crypto deposits are securely locked on the SwanFinance platform to earn interest, users can use their crypto deposits as collateral and lend to others for additional interest on the SwanCredit platform via Automatic Credit Swap.

What is SWAN Token
Swan Token is the Native Currency that will be utilized in the Swan Finance Ecosystem, this symbol will be founded on Ethereum Blockchain Technology where a Smart Contract can empower different exchange measures consequently and effectively. Holders will get more advantages, for example, a greater APY when Staking with SWAN Tokens and utilizing SWAN Tokens for different installments to the Swan Finance environment. Adaptable and high marking alternatives give more prominent Demand after some time, Delivering Early Adopters with Better Profit ROI.

Bridge Between CeFi and DeFi Platforms
Centralized Finance (CeFi) is a service which is structured so that all orders are controlled by one central exchange with no other competing parties. The sole aim of CeFi is to make fair trades, boost more transactions, and increase buying and selling processes.

In simple terms, CeFi is a specialized financial service, built in a way that all orders (whether buying or selling) are channeled through central exchange. The stated prices quoted by the central exchange are the only available prices available for traders. With CeFi, the users have absolute trust in the people behind a business to professionally and legally manage funds and execute services the business is offering.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is made up of financial applications which operate mainly through a decentralized blockchain. It is a shortcut; it effectively cut out the middle man which many of the finance apps and platforms today makes use of. The aim of DeFi is to expand the values ​​like Lending and Borrowing, Stocks (bonds, and other tradable assets), Asset storage, Insurance which cryptocurrency has brought to the financial sector over the past few years. Unarguably, DeFi improves the current centralized infrastructure.

Some Benefits of DeFi.

Autonomy - in DeFi ecosystem, your assets and money are yours and yours alone. This is absent in CeFi
Tradability - With DeFi, investors can trade more efficiently as they aren't prone to an entire high-value investment at once.

Transparency - with DeFi, data is publicly available, it helps keep honest service providers.
Swan Finance acts as a bridge between the worlds of centralized and decentralized finance. It provides the best of both worlds. SwanFinance offers an easy to use interface for earning interest, while SwanCredit provides a decentralized platform for peer to peer lending. While the crypto deposits are securely locked up on the SwanFinance platform earning interest, users can use their crypto deposits as collateral and lend to others to earn additional interest on the SwanCredit platform through an Automatic Credit Swap.

The problem with DeFi platforms is that many of them are difficult to use and difficult to understand. SwanFinance will have an easy to use platform where registered users can lock up their crypto deposits and earn high interest on the SwanFinance platform while lending to others on the SwanCredit platform. So you will be able to earn interest both ways at the same time.

Swan Ecosystem

We are starting with SwanFinance. Regardless, it is just the beginning of the Swan Ecosystem that will include: SwanCredit, SwanInvestments, SwanPay, Swan. Exchange, SwanTrade, and SwanWallet. There will be impressively more ways to deal with getting focal points and cutoff points for marking and using SWAN tokens.

Swan Credit: Will allow shared advancing and crypto credits

Swan Exchange: It Will be a totally working crypto exchange with edge trading.

Swan Investments: Will allow customers to place assets into new organizations using crowdfunding.

Swan Wallet: Will be a protected technique for taking care of advanced types of cash. It will be related to the SwanFinance stage, so customers can obtain revenue while safely and securely taking care of their cryptographic types of cash.

Swan Trade: Will allow customers to trade advanced monetary forms using AI trading bots and follow the trades of various customers on the stage for a commission.

Swan Pay: Will allow customers to make portions and move finances using SWAN tokens or diverse advanced types of cash.

Swan are starting with SwanFinance. But it is just the beginning of the Swan Ecosystem that will include: SwanCredit, SwanInvestments, SwanPay, Swan.Exchange, SwanTrade, and SwanWallet. There will be even more ways to receive benefits and discounts for staking and using SWAN tokens.


DeFi gives us a new system which is very revolutionary and it cannot be denied that it is a very innovative system. Swan Finance is one of the DeFi Ecosystems with Innovative Features which provides a new Ecosystem with more benefits for its users. Swan Finance is also a bridge for a centralized Traditional System with a Decentralized System that facilitates processes in one place. I think this project is very innovative and has great potential, I hope you will be a part of this great project!



Nama Pengguna 
Bitcointalk : wakkajiperketek
Tautan profil;u=3111997
Nama Pengguna Telegram: @wakkajiperketek
Eth ;0xcd9Ca45e0cfB7DD75b61938302431a28E8f038fb
Join the campaign: Blog / Article